Current time: 06-02-2024, 01:32 PM
Catch it if it's still showing. I know the subject matter might not be your thing, but it'll really grab your attention once you start watching. The main character reminded me of me in high school, minus the pregnancy.

Rated at 93% on Rottentomatoes, and 90% for user reviews. Here's a copypasta of the description.

The word "quirky" has become the quick and easy way to describe films such as LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE and LARS AND THE REAL GIRL that straddle the lines between indie and studio films and comedy and drama. While JUNO fits into that same category, this distinctive dramedy is in a class all its own.

Ellen Page(X-MEN: THE LAST STAND) stars as Juno, a witty teenage girl whose boredom doesn’t lead her to the mall. Instead, she makes a one-time trip into the arms of her best friend Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera). When Juno discovers that she’s pregnant, she’s forced to grow up fast as she tries to find adoptive parents for her quickly growing child.

JUNO might have a lot of strengths--Page’s award-worthy performance, a pitch-perfect soundtrack, excellent direction from Jason Reitman--but it’s the screenwriting debut of writer Cody Diablo that makes this such a winning film. Famous for her blog and her book CANDY GIRL: A YEAR IN THE LIFE OF AN UNLIKELY STRIPPER, Diablo has a unique voice and an incredible ear for dialogue. Songs from Kimya Dawson perfectly capture the film’s tone with the music’s sweet, smart, and funny sounds.
Wow, this movie has got rave reviews all over.

Time to watch!
I loved the movie, but I also loved this article on it.
I've heard from a friend about Juno, but I think he was talking about the Korean version.

Same story?
Shintetsu Wrote:I've heard from a friend about Juno, but I think he was talking about the Korean version.

Same story?

Yes and no. The only thing that's the same is the premise. You'll probably like the American version more though, if only for the script.
I fancy cuteness and originality, which obviously points to the Korean version. Big grin

DL time.
Shintetsu Wrote:I fancy cuteness and originality, which obviously points to the Korean version. Big grin

I haven't seen the Korean version, but (the American) Juno was one of the most original films I've seen in years. It's also an indie film. Though for cuteness, year go with the Korean.

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