Current time: 06-03-2024, 10:34 PM
For Overcast Crisis and Danse Macabre
I need a couple sketches for those two. The one for Danse Macabre is obvious and would be hard if I cared about Etienne having all of his arms spread out -- but I'll go for just 12-13 of the arms out of his torso, the rest all bundled in.

To clarify some points not mentioned in the story: Etienne's "head" looks like CICADA mounted on a long stem, a la EE, as in Sight Hawk and Raging Torrent IV. Then, coming around from the back of the CICADA portion, two insectoid mandibles (look at an army ant's jaws for a nore natural example). No, he doesn't have legs: substitute the ubiquitous arms.

The arms are hard to explain; but I think I can do this much: think of the one messed up arm of Nightmare in Soul Calibur 2. Replace the claw end with what would happen if you have crab claws made in sets of three rather than in pairs. Then greatly elongate the arm until it's very very skinny. Shrink till it's about as thick as your pinky finger at the thickest part, and about as long as your legs, and has three joints. As for the torso where the 700-odd arms will be drawn all bundled up, just draw what looks like a bunch of thin tentacles all bundled together.

The tail is EXTREMELY hard to explain, but I'll try my best: take any long, reptilian tail, then remove all skin and muscle. Yes, you will have bones. Now, make it so instead of tapering to a point, it stays about the same thickness the entire way. Now, this is the hard part. If you've played PSO, you probably know about Dark Falz's third form that only appears past normal mode. Take the chromatic "fan" like appendages from his back, then graft them on near the tip of Etienne's tail in such a way that if they were stretched taut and someone looked at it from the ends, it would look like a square. These should extend for almost their entire length past the tip of the tail proper. And at the tip of the tail proper (i.e., the vertebrae) should be a cluster of eyes surrounding a mouth (if you choose to draw it with that part showing, which would be a pain, of course.) I should clarify that the fans do not appear this early in the story, but they will come into play later.

The wings are easy. Find a picture of a many-winged seraphim, then draw eight black wings like that, folded down over his body slightly. Then, sticking more upwards, draw stacks of dragonfly-like wings (scaled to proportion, of course).

That leaves the eyes on the CICADA-like head. Asymmetry is GOOD. Do not feel obligated to make him symmetrical anywhere but the wings. In this case, spread eyes of various sizes at random spots over the head.

NOW, we go to Overcast Crisis. Pretty simple: draw a ghostly looking korean man witha kwan dao, with the insane magenta-vomit-and-foam-green-sand-shores-and-obsidian-tower-temple background. Everything necessary for that is detailed in the story, and if it isn't then I don't really give a crap about it.

Anyone can do these, so long as they actually try instead of just sitting there and scribbling.

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