Current time: 06-02-2024, 10:02 PM
Zero-G space combat for AC
Might be very possible now.
You've prolly heard it a lot of times before, the suggestion to put AC combat in full 3D space. While the original AC gave us the space platform arena which are similar to the ones in LR, they're pretty much the same as ground levels with lesser ground :p. Anyway, the idea struck me earlier, but at the moment the scheme is only possible for the PS3 thanks to the Sixaxis' motion sensing capability.

Add 2 functions to the standard AC control layout:

Rotate Z-axis by tilting the controller left or right.
Increase or decrease Y-axis movement of the AC by tilting the controller upwards or downwards.

In effect you'll have full 3D control of your AC in space. Add some physics to the mix and the AC is now the fully controllable on the ground and space. AC was a hallmark for me, for it was the 1st mech game for a console where you were free to fully control your mech and its movements within a relatively large environment. This additional control scheme continues the legacy that the original AC series has established (as well as being one of the games to fully utilize the buttons and control features of a console game controller once again). While at first, it may be difficult to control intuitively, I'm sure that given enough time it will be second nature for most pilots.

This opens up a lot of new gameplay stages for a traditional AC game where its primarily a ground combat game, where it is known for its ground pounder gameplay. In fact, I've already thought of some scenarios to where this control scheme can be brought to light. What do you guys think? Will this control addition stray AC away too much from its original formula, or will it be a welcome addition to future AC games if ever it were to be implemented.
(09-28-2008, 08:57 PM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: What do you guys think? Will this control addition stray AC away too much from its original formula, or will it be a welcome addition to future AC games if ever it were to be implemented.

I like the idea of being able to turn your ACs on a z-axis. It adds, literally, another dimension of play to attacking, movement and evasion tactics. Imagine doing a Superman with your AC in the air. Nice.

Still, no "fly forever" hijinks for me, thanks. AC is primarily a ground combat game for me.
this sounds great but wouldnt regular bullets just float away?I mean missles have built in perpultion and energy weapons bullets have no force of movement other than the power of them being pushed out the barrel.Fine and all on ground but in space,regular guns may be rendered useless.
[Image: THEBEST.jpg]
I'm confused. Rick, were you talking about taking AC to fight in actual outer space? Then I change my answer to no. While it may appeal to numerous mecha fans because of the anime slant, Armored Core just doesn't feel like Gundam to me. It's much more closer to Front Mission.
nope because when solid shells detonate they already give the bullet all the force it needs to move heck bullets in space are way faster and travel longer due to the absence of drag XD ... and in any case Im rather sure that in the future lighting fires in space is not a problem in the future =)

Ac4 looks zero-g enough to me. -_-
Scary, I have no y-axis in these kinds of games. I liked the concept of one Gundam game for PSX before, almost constant lockon. LOL

I used to have difficulty in Ace Combat 2, when I had to do an air-to-ground strike, since I sometimes crash. Sad.
I like ace combat and that being an open space game give me no problem with ac being 3d AC's main points have been SMART AND TACTICAL customization of your steed but slapping in a zero G environ can potentially overload someone with the amount of additional choices and controls they must process. Ace tackled this fine but without the customization aspect was only good at giving you the feel of handling existing mechs not making one of their own.

Oh come on, you've got to know better ways of hurting me inadvertently. LOL
wat are you talking about?

dont act like you dont know clone lol. (JK)
[Image: THEBEST.jpg]
No you're not.
o_O seriously wat?

Ang problema kasi yung fromsoftware TAMAD.
BTW i think ACs can go zero gravity via turn boosters.
Since the extension boosters already does the horizontal turning, a back mounted booster should do the vertical turn. Something that looks similar to Pegasus but it makes you do vertical turns instead.

And the turn boosters should be weaker and with a short boost interval and heat. It's more manageable that way.
Kagaya nito!
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Here's my control setup with only slight modifications to accommodate the VTB.
[Image: VTB.jpg]
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