Current time: 06-02-2024, 04:17 AM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
(11-11-2010, 11:21 PM)Twin-Skies Wrote: Rant 1: Mom's being a bitch again. Yells at me for not finding sis' birth certificates. And once again, all she's doing is editing her pictures from ICA, and playing Farmville. Damn it, I really, REALLY hope her crops wither and die, or that she at least gets paid by the school for her photos. As it stands, we're the ones who have to spend money just to buy those damn DVDs she uses the pics to burn the pics into.

Rant 2: Yells at me for asking her questions about her laptop when she asks me to check why she's running low on memory. I snap back out of annoyance since she was yelling at me for missing the certificates in our files earlier, which apparently to her is enough reason to start throwing objects around, and telling me I should leave the house.

Like she's the only one who has a right to get angry - Her answer to almost every little thing is always throwing a tantrum and throwing the closest objects, and calling everybody else useless except for herself.

I don't get it - I get yelled at for refusing to help her with the laptop, I get yelled at for honestly saying I don't know, because I'm not a programmer or computer engineer, and I get yelled at for taking too long to fix her laptop.

Calls me useless, and says it's because I talk back to her like that that I'm always losing jobs. That's below the belt.

Then she hits me with her bag - which felt like it was carrying her heavy SLR cameras at the time - because I was checking on her external HD since it wasn't working properly, and yelling at me to stay away from her computer.

At the very least, I just wish I could talk to some sort of counselor to help me sort this personal problem out. As selfish as it sounds, I think I deserve a better mom than the woman who sits downstairs the whole day, playing Farmville until the wee hours of the morning, and half the time is rambling with her unsolicited advice and woefully misinformed opinions and her Noynoy fangirlism.

This is one of those days that I truly wish I could just curl up and cry.

sounds like what my sis will be in a few more years.

but as Sforza has mentioned, consider leaving the house. for now you snap and simply yell back, but at some point you might do worse. find a decent paying job and move out.
Hmmm, i wonder if moving outta the house might also be AA's solution to most of the domestic problems he has?
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
(11-11-2010, 11:21 PM)Twin-Skies Wrote: Rant 1: Mom's being a bitch again. Yells at me for not finding sis' birth certificates. And once again, all she's doing is editing her pictures from ICA, and playing Farmville. Damn it, I really, REALLY hope her crops wither and die, or that she at least gets paid by the school for her photos. As it stands, we're the ones who have to spend money just to buy those damn DVDs she uses the pics to burn the pics into.

Rant 2: Yells at me for asking her questions about her laptop when she asks me to check why she's running low on memory. I snap back out of annoyance since she was yelling at me for missing the certificates in our files earlier, which apparently to her is enough reason to start throwing objects around, and telling me I should leave the house.

Like she's the only one who has a right to get angry - Her answer to almost every little thing is always throwing a tantrum and throwing the closest objects, and calling everybody else useless except for herself.

I don't get it - I get yelled at for refusing to help her with the laptop, I get yelled at for honestly saying I don't know, because I'm not a programmer or computer engineer, and I get yelled at for taking too long to fix her laptop.

Calls me useless, and says it's because I talk back to her like that that I'm always losing jobs. That's below the belt.

Then she hits me with her bag - which felt like it was carrying her heavy SLR cameras at the time - because I was checking on her external HD since it wasn't working properly, and yelling at me to stay away from her computer.

At the very least, I just wish I could talk to some sort of counselor to help me sort this personal problem out. As selfish as it sounds, I think I deserve a better mom than the woman who sits downstairs the whole day, playing Farmville until the wee hours of the morning, and half the time is rambling with her unsolicited advice and woefully misinformed opinions and her Noynoy fangirlism.

This is one of those days that I truly wish I could just curl up and cry.

While I don't have much info about your family background, have you tried talking to you father about it? Don't know if it'll help, but it might be worth a try. Assuming you haven't, of course.

Or if you can, leave the house. Like what the others said, it makes relationships work better for some reason. Personally, me being a bitter person, I'd probably just live somewhere else as soon as I can sustain myself with a good job and forget about going in touch with family if that ever happened to me.

For now, just try to bear with it until you can leave. That's probably the best thing to do for now.
dont know either twin skies family background that is why i am not making assumptions...
have you tried having an open forum with both your parents about certain matters that really bother you and your mom? Someone has to mediate or set rules so that communication goes out well...
family is family that will never change...
(11-11-2010, 11:21 PM)Twin-Skies Wrote: Like she's the only one who has a right to get angry - Her answer to almost every little thing is always throwing a tantrum and throwing the closest objects, and calling everybody else useless except for herself.

Yup, sounds like menopause. My only advice for you from personal experiences is act mellow and weather the storm, unless she has always acted that way, then you should try to get professional help...

Sorry if I can't be more specific, but hopefully things will turn out better for you.
YAH better to plan and start packing for your great escape, never to return.
(11-12-2010, 01:25 PM)J.E_Magog Wrote: YAH better to plan and start packing for your great escape, never to return.


I know I don't have the full grasp of your financial/emotional state, but why should you stay in a situation that makes you unhappy?
The for the advice guys, but I'm still staying in the house.

It's not like my mom can physically hurt me - the last time she tried to hit me, She freaking bruised her own hands when I blocked.

Gotta love Arnis reflex and body strength conditioning. After what my instructor put me through, her fists are like pillows. Smile

Anyway, I'm feeling better now, and she's a lot calmer now too.

Rave: Cosmic Break 2nd OBT! The game more than makes up for FME's fail in so many ways, LOLZ. And it's free to boot
Rant: OBT's only until November 14. Awww. The full launch is in December. Seriously guys, you should give it a try. It's like Gundam + Strike Witches XD
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
just my thoughts on confrontation and dialogue...
most of the time it causes more problems to arise and skeletons in the closet to be revealed. especially if there is no good mediator. and theres the question if both sides are willing to listen and have an open mind. it works for some people, for others it makes things worse.

oh and this
Quote:At the very least, I just wish I could talk to some sort of counselor to help me sort this personal problem out
do you still study? if so, check with your college guidance counselor. back in college i was required to check in with them as part of the requirements to maintain my scholarship (since maintaining grades can be really stressful ><). but yeah, they arent there just for advice on what career is for you when you graduate, you can also go to them for general counseling.
(11-11-2010, 08:35 PM)ardjin Wrote: "ALIENWARE"

cost a lot of $$$ but its worth it!

Yeah i do admit that they produce great gaming rigs.
But when it comes to desktops, I take pleasure in building and doing the modifications myself Laugh

My OC test result only means that there are no bottlenecks between the proc and the vidcard atm, it will probably change when I add another videocard for a xfire config in the future Happy
Ninja Ninja 
My Senior friend has no ill-will against me for getting the last spot for NCR Palaro. Smile

Field trip next Wednesday to the Senate!

...And Pasig river XD;;
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Rant: everyday of skool feels like a replay of yesterday

Rave: at least i'm not getting alot of homework i guess Glare
Raven name: Rexzo
AC name: Propagation, Melancholy, & Gotterdammerung (Soon: Omni Seraph)
AC type:MW Bipedal or MW Reverse Joint (either way)
Favored weapons: Rifles, Machine Guns, Hand Guns, Micro Missiles, and Laser Blades
Attack Style: Either Aggressive or Backpedaling

Being born with angel wings (Propagation)
Rose after fallen from paradise (Depression) (Melancholy)
Accepted my inner devil for if I fought; I would have ultimately lost (Gotterdammerung)

Having undergone these trials I've have become an Omnious Seraph

"I'm a Mercenary, I'm used to betrayal...
But power is all that matters now...
In the end, Human arrogance will eventually usher in our own downfall... -Genobee"\

Mindlessly killing is something everyone can do; however, only a few think and efficiently complete the task at hand
Rave: heading to Komikon when my shift ends. Cresci Prophecies vol 3 ^^
Rave2: Fallout: New Vegas runs on my laptop ^_______^
Rave3: Chicken Nuggets for lunch \o/

Rant: my clip-on's cord almost got torn while exiting the train ><
(11-13-2010, 09:16 AM)zero_kanipan Wrote: Rave3: Chicken Nuggets for lunch \o/

with jolibee gravy???

(11-13-2010, 05:51 PM)clonezero Wrote:
(11-13-2010, 09:16 AM)zero_kanipan Wrote: Rave3: Chicken Nuggets for lunch \o/

with jolibee gravy???

Goat gravy. You just need to make sure that the goat has diarrhea.

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