Current time: 02-13-2025, 12:56 AM
Favorite AC

Panzer Messiah- there is a guy who spells "sword master" right.. he is my inspiration for my main AC

Broken Stone- Proves that the Selena is BADASS

Sorcerer- I copied his build and I began tearing every AI opponent in there

Bolt- UBER daya nito

Supernova- nakakbadtrip tingan tong AC nito na naggaling pa sa Project Phantasma!!!!
"Did you really think your Mobile Suit is a match for The O?"

"Am the BRO of Caspian, guess who always wins?"

I'd have thought that Evangel's your favorite, seeing as how he's part of your name. Big grin
Favorite ACs, huh?

Dual Face/Pinch Beck - just because. Tongue Besides, his design reminds me of SEED's Freedom, only with grenades instead of plasma cannons. xD
Valkyrie (AC3) - so much I even made a remake of her.
Crow Predator/Oracle I - no comment ^^ Oracle I > Oracle II, IMHO
Fox Eye - I especially loved the part where you fight him without his left arm. Big grin Pretty badass.
Raging Torrent IV - my favorite AC punching bag, especially after that mission where he cheats with the OWLs. @_@
The Hunter - my own AC Tongue

OT: Hurray for the new blood~ Big grin
Im starting to like Trigger Happy 99. A few edit and that AC is badass.

@evangel: youve been asking me this all day, now its my turn. ISNT GABE GLOW CUTE!?
[Image: 221918_217017848328331_100000603537747_7...4932_n.jpg]
I don't exactly have the time to name what kind of enemy ACs I've been interested in, although I could certainly name some consorts here for now...

Armored Core 3 -
- Cold Heart/The Sun - DBZ/48 arms on SOLID legs? Sweet! Also notably being a former pilot of one of the most expendable MTs in the game. You have got to give him credit.
- Huntress/Rouge - She did try to kill me at one point. But I'm a fan of energy weapons and Mirage parts, and who else would be a better poster girl for them?
- Scylla/Delta - Classic dakka at its finest. Also happened to pilot a rather crappy MT at one point as well, so this guy clearly knows his stuff.
- Regina/Echidna - Grenade rifle...GRENADE RIFLE! No arm weapon is as badass as the one Regina so happens to carry. Not even the KARASAWA. Stop looking at me like I'm insane. You know you love the GR-12 too.
- Fanatic/Red Eye - Few are able to bolt a SLU-64 to a quadruped while still able to outrun a tortoise, but Fanatic apparently pulled it off. Few things are quite as satisfying as nailing an enemy with that giant Slug Gun.
- Barchetta/Karma - I'm not a firm believer in karma, but maybe that's why it hates me enough to stuff quad grenades in my face. Which is why I use it instead to wreak havoc on my own enemies. Maybe that means something. I dunno.
- Valkyrie/Swift - Sniper with CROW extensions! The only thing more badass was a dual-blader with CROW extensions, but you'll see that later.
- Bremen/Multi Box - Another one of those "epic missile boats with an incredibly clever paint scheme", I give this guy credit (Much like Ballistic) for having mastered the usage of missiles prior to the invention of Micro Missiles.
- Yellow Boat/Apathy - People tell me she's a terrible AC pilot, but my experiences have suggested otherwise. I once let her rip alone against Kalchas and Shadow Age, and...well, guess who came out on top? Granted, those two are not terribly good either, but it's a two-on-one battle. You can't say it was magic.
- Paranoia/Ice Walls - MAW-DLC/POWER. 'Nuff said.

Armored Core 3: Silent Line -
- Ballistic/Breakshot - I was surprised at how well this missile boat worked, especially given the nonexistence of Micro Missiles in AC3SL. The game constantly rags at how he is impossible not to spot, but admit it: That paint scheme is pretty clever. Just look at his emblem!
- Calamity/Pitfall - I realize she's not exactly the greatest consort ever, but part of why I love Calamity is due to the fact she's prone to making unpredictable results. She could either nail the enemy with a good barrage of Howitzer shells, or she could potentially nail you with the same thing on accident...but either way, it's still funny.
- Foreman/Masterpiece - The best part about this AC is the fact it looks almost like an AC version of the Kainos/E02 he used to pilot. It also packs the CWM-TR90/1, which is a boss missile system.
- Eclair/Nikita - Best dual-blader ever. And to think she used to be an MT pilot! She uses stealth extension and has the advantage of totally not needing a FCS altogether. And she's a pretty darn good consort.
- Irony/Carnage - He happens to be the lowest-value pilot in the game, and yet in the hands of an expert, his AC can kick ass like no other. The ridiculous combined fire rate of his MG/350 and MGL/300 makes mincemeat out of anything unfortunate enough to be targeted by them...that is, provided he actually used them. Poor guy keeps resorting to his chaingun for everything, which requires him to kneel...not exactly the best thing to do in a fast-paced firefight.

Armored Core: Nexus -
- Tatara/Zanba - This design was clearly meant to use the lighter bazooka, not that horrendously heavy one that made the cut in Nexus, but even then it makes for one of the best ACs I've seen. The pilot isn't exactly the best, but he (She?) can easily fly circles around people while pummeling them with that giant bazooka. That's good enough for me.
- Bail Out/Ruin - A classic heatmonger design, Bail Out also apparently can still kick ass despite not being a PLUS. My Crimson Bee AC design is based on his weapon layout - with good reason.

Armored Core: Last Raven -
- A.I. Quad-S/TR-Alligator - Do you like dakka? Well, you had better like dakka, because this guy is going to use it a lot! And if you don't...get ready to dodge some nice big grenades. I'm a sucker for quadrupeds, I admit.
- A.I. Tank-S/TR-Buffalo - What kind of monster equips Large Missiles, a giant grenade rifle, a goddamned BP, and a hefty supply of orbits? Well, apparently you're reading about one right now. Tanks are my other favorite leg type, so I guess it's natural that I'd like this.

EDIT: Okay, for Arena ranker ACs now...

Armored Core 2 -
- Merciless/Black Scythe - Dual blader with dual chainguns. A pretty sweet design, although it's PLUS overweight.
- No. 1111/Count 1 - The highest ranker that isn't a PLUS. That is giving him sound credit in my eyes given he's in a game where fucking everyone is PLUS.
- Suave/Pussy Cat - Expensive? Who gives a fuck? A mass accelerator cannon and dual grenades are a good investment if you ask me.
- Blood Striker/Bullet Dragon - He doesn't have a left-arm weapon, but he doesn't need one with all the ammo he has. Machine guns are some of my favorite weapons too - I refuse to find them boring like everyone else does.
- Hustler Two/Eight-Ball - The most hilarious parody of Hustler One/Nine-Ball. It's made even funnier by the fact he clearly doesn't understand that artificial intelligences tend not to have children.
- Riot/Gallows Bird - Energy weapons, anyone? Most notably, he doesn't do a lot of damage per round, but not getting hit by him is simply wishful thinking.

Armored Core 3 -
- Flying Fix/Flag - Dual giant slug guns! And a spread bazooka and flamethrower! All on some giant mobile, the pilot is a mechanic girl. What's not to love?
- Hostile/Atomic Pod - Another one of those clever AC designs, you can clearly see why.
- Milky Way/Niche - A decent super-lightweight AC. Maybe I'm just a sucker for the female pilots though.
- Bad Brain/Pincer - Napalm rockets! The most fun weapons in an AC game (Besides napalm missiles and napalm howitzers)! They're kind of useless, yeah, but it's still funny to set your enemy on fire.
- Thunder House/Battlefield - Did you just bolt a LIC-10 to a lightweight? Apparently so...there's going to be hell to pay...
- Sweet Sweeper/Varna - I dunno, he seems related to Milky Way somehow, but maybe it's just me. Putting DLC/POWER arms on HUESO legs has got to make for some crazy moments.
- Flare-Up/Dynamo - This AC represents one of my favorite pastimes - Taking any random set of weapon arms and bolting on an AD-50(or AD-60, depending on game)! In silent line, it gets even funnier with the OC/BUD arms, but the DHM68/04 ones were pretty good too.
- Paradox/Zak - Classic energy weapon action. He needs to kneel, but that can be solved with OP-INTENSIFY. And I actually like OP-INTENSIFY, by the way.
- Ducks/Ingot - The classic "I will do ANYTHING if it involves money!" character, it's made even funnier by the fact that he uses an entirely energy-based weapon repertoire. His emblem is sort of funny too.
- Castdown/Browser - Being a Gushawk pilot is no picnic. He may have some questionable qualities, but I like fighter pilots and this guy's no exception.
- Sandoval/Bataille - I'm pretty sure this guy also piloted a Gustav Mk. 7 judging by his profile, which is an even more mook-like job. Now he has a plasma cannon though, so that's cool.
- Asylum/Gigantes - One of the most brutal ACs in the arena, bar none. It fits my fighting style rather well, although I tend to change the FCS and a few other things.
- Vector/Hypnos - LARGE MISSILES! The funniest weapons in all AC history. His other weapons are weak, but they provide just enough of a distraction from the eight nukes floating lazily behind your tail.
- Terra/Spectrum - One of the few arena ACs that actually fares well for just about every mission you may encounter in AC3.
- Exile/Painkiller - The all time cheapest AC pilot ever. Shame I can never be *quite* as effective as him when I use it...

Armored Core 3: Silent Line -
- Mobius/Infinity - GNL-15! His usage of the WS-1 FCS seems kind of weird though, given he's got an S42/6, but whatever.
- Silver Fox/Lurker - I like that VM20/1 + R20 missile layout. And he has a KARASAWA, which is cool.
- Revolution/Bruiser - I dislike how he doesn't do actual missions (You might as well just be in the VR Arena and not waste everyone's time), but his AC is pretty awesome.
- G/Thunderstorm - I have no idea how he fitted a DC-03 to a freaking hover-leg, but it's definitely one of the cheapest designs I've ever faced in that game.
- Shatter/Spite - His AC looks pretty cool, that's all.
- Porcupine/Barbed Wire - Another dual blader, except it has the far less subtle dual chain gun system. If you fit AR/602s instead of the DC-150s, you'll find you have enough space for CROW extensions. Then I like to give it a VEN head. Suddenly, badass dual-blader!
- Prominence/Water Hazard - Orbit cannons...orbit cannons everywhere...
- Apophis/Cobra - KILL IT WITH FIRE!
- Ori/Moon Salt - A pretty sweet looking AC, although it needs a bit of improvement in some sectors, such as energy supply...
- Nameless/Mystery - MG/FINGER with MGL/300 is such a ridiculously powerful combo when used correctly. Unfortunately, I can't use it correctly, so I have to watch him rape my ass instead.

Armored Core: Last Raven -
- Moody M./Nova-RG - DINGO2 legs, CICADA2 head, SPIRIT laser rifle, and various other things I will gladly support.
- Moonlight/Neon Might - LX laser cannon. 'Nuff said.
- Barry Manx/B. Boss - Someone said he should be Rank 30. I honestly agree, but he has got some of the funniest weapons in the game.
- Caricature/Life Is Mine - The SILKY sucks, but the frame itself is one of my favorite lightweight designs in the game.
- Crezner/Broken Stone - All sorts of hard-hitting weapons here. Am I the only one who thinks the GORGON laser rifle looks awesome?
- Reverse/Scarlet Spider - My all-time favorite VR Arena ranker in ACLR. It's a badass close-range quadruped with a SILKY! Plus it has a spider motif, and I love spiders. I also like how it was clearly inspiration for Shamir RaviRavi/Red Rum in AC4FA.
- Warlord/Ticktock - This AC has ridiculous aerial times, which is funny. Also has a bomb dispenser and actually knows how to use it, which is even funnier.
- Prilissa/Merciless - I don't know why, but this AC in particular took me the longest to kill in ACLR. Someone told me to use Micro Missiles, which made sense since it lacks a missile defense system, but the damn thing kept dodging them one after another after another after another...I eventually had to resort to my Inside rockets to kill the damn thing.
- Mal & Dal/Jackpot - WA69BZ arms. One of my favorite types of weapon arms in the game.
- Tank Allure/Killer Beagle - The AI piloting the AC is terrible, but god damn, the AC it pilots is so damned powerful in the right hands. I used a converted design to S-rank 99% of my missions in AC3SL and in the other games it hasn't fared badly either.

Oh, and opening ACs (I will prioritize ACLR names, then actual names, then just descriptions if no name is available) -

Armored Core -
- That heavyweight from the intro seemed pretty cool. For some reason I keep liking all the damned ACs that get killed in the intro.

Armored Core: Project Phantasma -
- That heavyweight from the intro seemed cool as well. I've never played the first few games, so honestly I wouldn't exactly know how each one performs. The gameplay I've had in Nexus seems to imply that these are good designs though.
-The tank from the intro was also cool, and I'm pretty sure similar designs have appeared throughout Armored Core, such as Killer Beagle, for example.

Armored Core: Master of Arena -
- Code: Crimson/Baby's Breath - For obvious reasons.
- Zorro-X/Rabbit's Foot - KRSW and GERYON3, two of the coolest laser weapons ever.

Armored Core 2 -
- Flip-Flop/0-Micron - One of the coolest ACs in history. KRSW2, HYDRA, and that DRONE head...oh man...I love DRONE head...
- Flip-Flop's wingmen also seemed pretty cool. The idea of such a graceful AC carrying a WR76B might have been doomed from the start though.

Armored Core 2: Another Age -
- I used to hate -1/Quartz Clock, but lately the design has grown on me a lot. The BYAKUE makes what would otherwise be a rather low-ammo AC into a decent design, and the YWH05R3 is a great rifle.
- Kaisei/Hangman - The GIANT2 was an awesome bazooka in that game, and we needn't explain the's kind of strange that he has E84RM2 extensions though. I mean, they're not going to do much. And the low ammo is an issue too.

Armored Core 3 -
- Mirage Lightweight - Yes, it's overweight, but if you give it PLUS you get a pretty damn nice AC. It's better because in later games they gave it COUGAR2 legs, which allow it to actually carry the load.
- Mirage Heavyweight - Shame this didn't carry over to Nexus too well, but in AC3 it was actually one of the best opening designs. The WR81B2 is a devastating weapon and the GIGAS shield provides a great deal of defense. If Sir Fire/Dirty Slime had been the one going against this monster, he surely would have lost.

Armored Core 3: Silent Line -
- Remember the Mirage quadruped packing those WA78GRL arms? That's probably my favorite opening AC so far, which may seem funny because it barely gets any camera time and there isn't really much indication of what its eventual fate was. The WA78GRL arms are friggin' devastating and the WB72CGL wasn't terribly bad in that game either.

Armored Core: Nexus -
- Well, this is kind of confusing. I could just say I liked No. 2448/Crow Predator most, but since he appeared in various different forms throughout the opening, I'd have to explain what my favorite of those was. Obviously I like the regular (Vs. MTs) design most, but my second favorite would probably be the Vs. AC design, packing that LADON2 railgun.
- The Mirage heavyweight that appears in one wallpaper is also a decent design. With those WBW91RT back units and PIXIE2 machine gun, plus a KATEN shield, it can be sure to dish out and take a fair deal of damage. The fact it uses a lightweight core is kind of weird, but that's probably because in ACNX the heavyweight one would have been overweight.

Armored Core: Nine Breaker -
- There's very little artwork of it, but I do recall seeing a Mirage middleweight design packing a SHADE, WL69LB, NYMPHE2, WB72CGL, and E84RM2s, based on the lightweight design from AC3 but using COUGAR2 legs instead. It's a rather cool looking design and it's a shame there isn't more of it floating around the internet.
- There was also one based on the AC3 Mirage heavyweight with E90AM2, SIREN, WB91LGL (I think?), and some unknown left armament (Probably a KATEN). It had a QUEEN head instead of a SPIDER one, which looked kinda cool.

Armored Core: Formula Front -
- Mirage middleweight again, similar to the ACNB one. Armament is not exactly decided upon, so you'll have to come up with something of your own. You're original, right?

Armored Core: Last Raven -
- I have to admit BJ/Cascade Range is for once a pretty badass looking Crest AC (You guys like Genobee? Seriously?), but my favorite is still the Mirage quadruped in the opening. Who gets killed again. WHY DO MY FAVORITE ACS ALWAYS GET KILLED GOD DAMMIT.

EX Arena combinations -

Armored Core 3 -
- Shadow Age/Kalchas - Sure to result in some of the funniest moments ever.
- Paranoia/Paradox - ENERGY WEAPONS GALORE!

Armored Core 3: Silent Line -
- Zero/Shatter - This team works surprisingly well for being a pair of mortal enemies.
- G/Ironman - Giant grenades and giant missiles. Is this match made in Hell...or Heaven?
- Eclair/Porcupine - Dual bladers woo! They'd make such a happy couple...if Porcupine didn't get killed right before the very end.
- Prominence/Apophis - This team is silly because it's clearly a very dysfunctional one. Prominence wants to be cautious and keep his distance while Apophis just sets everything on fire...much to Prominence's dismay. APOPHIS, STOP BEING A LEROY JENKINS.

Mission ACs -

Armored Core 3: Silent Line -
- AI ACs (Secure Fortress NK-432, Destroy AI Prototype, Disable Satellite Cannon, Secure Unexplored Region) - Some badass Mirage AC designs. I kind of like the color scheme, but some may think it looks weird...
- AI Prototype (Destroy AI Prototype) - A cool prototype of the AI AC in Secure Fortress NK-432, if you ask me. If you look closely, you'll notice it has MBT-OX/002 boosters.

Armored Core: Nexus -
- CR-AC88LB - A rather cool Crest design for once, albeit with rather low ammo supplies. The WR98L is a cool weapon.
- CR-AC88RS - Also a cool design.
- Fog Maker/Freebird - The funniest part about this AC is that it looks like a giant Ogre MT. Just look at it.
- Discharger/Vortex - Doomsday's sure got something going, I mean, their AC actually has a left-handed gun! Haha, just kidding. It's still a cool design.
- Stinger/Vixen - Psycho for hire!

Armored Core: Last Raven -
- G. Faust/Panzer Messiah - He pilots an AC barely better than the starter AC and still manages to kick ass with it. You got to give him credit, even if he works for a bunch of fagholes who call themselves Vertex.
- Mumu/Metis - A Russian chick with a parrying blade? Sweet! She also apparently packs a nice big plasma rifle...
- Sorcerer/Banshee - The AC:NX guide said that machine gun arms were nothing to worry about, but from my experiences, when Sorcerer wields them, they are SOMETHING to worry about.
- Principal/Sundial - Vertical missiles on a hover-leg. Mind you, they are very PAINFUL vertical missiles and she somehow knows how to make them not hit a ceiling every time.
- Bolt/Thunderstrike - He works for Vertex, yes, but he has some nice giant lasers, so I don't complain.
- Rim Fire/Bullet Life - This is the number one reason why the British scare me.
- Triturate/Vigilance - LEO arms. LEO ARMS! He seems pretty good for having been ranked so low in Nexus.
- Ω/Clown Face - In Japanese he has the much more silly name "CrownClown"...anyway, he's a pretty good heavy RJ design in my books. Even if he works for Vertex (In case you can't tell already, I hate Vertex).

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