01-18-2012, 06:42 PM
* You start seeing target locks on every person you come across.
* You start calling ants and cockroaches "AMIDAs".
* You ask your neighborhood mechanic how much it would cost to install an OB engine in your car's trunk.
* Your notebook's back pages are covered in AC parts lists, builds and color schemes.
* You start peppering your speech with AC terms, i.e "Pagod na ko, pre. Genbust na ata ako.".
* You dress in clothes that reflect your staple AC's color scheme... everyday.
* You think nothing of buying several of Variable Infinity model kits just so you can recreate the AC you use in-game.
* You bought a PSP just for the sole purpose of being able to play the AC Portable series.
* You fake an excuse to skip work or school just so that you can go to a friend's house for some 1vs1 matches.
* You mutter "Mission accomplished. Halting combat and returning to the Nest." upon heading home after work or school.
* You spend three hours each night practicing against high-mobility AI opponents just so that you could effectively trounce that new member who's been rumored to use similar tactics.
Feel free to add your own.
* You start calling ants and cockroaches "AMIDAs".
* You ask your neighborhood mechanic how much it would cost to install an OB engine in your car's trunk.
* Your notebook's back pages are covered in AC parts lists, builds and color schemes.
* You start peppering your speech with AC terms, i.e "Pagod na ko, pre. Genbust na ata ako.".
* You dress in clothes that reflect your staple AC's color scheme... everyday.
* You think nothing of buying several of Variable Infinity model kits just so you can recreate the AC you use in-game.
* You bought a PSP just for the sole purpose of being able to play the AC Portable series.
* You fake an excuse to skip work or school just so that you can go to a friend's house for some 1vs1 matches.
* You mutter "Mission accomplished. Halting combat and returning to the Nest." upon heading home after work or school.
* You spend three hours each night practicing against high-mobility AI opponents just so that you could effectively trounce that new member who's been rumored to use similar tactics.

Feel free to add your own.

"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."