Current time: 02-13-2025, 02:09 AM
Imagination Garage
type: chainsaw
Weight: 987
en drain: 320
atk power: 560
ammo:- (infinite)
saw length: 17
rotation speed: 1
atk heat: 230
discharge heat: 15

A chainsaw that I invented with the idea of close range combat in mind. It can be used continuesly to get close enough to hit the enemy. So its basically a high power machine gun in blade form with no mags or clips to slow it down.

I take it rotation speed is per second? And the damage dealt is once per rotation? If so, I'd totally use this if it were real. Jason
Pretty much. thats the basic concept of it. Ripping up other ACs at a quick rate.
weight: 223
en drain: 560
AP: 870
def shell: 187
def energy: 202
CPU type: advanced
sensors: bio sensor, night vision, auto map
radar: provided
radar performance: range/360, scan interval/12

High performance crest head that incorporates their latest techknowledgy.

type: core
weight: 1230
en drain: 1120
AP: 1660
def shell: 511
def energy: 502
cooling: 1300
vs mg response: 72
vs mg range: 363
core type: EO
EO ammo type: energy
EO attack power: 620
EO number of ammo: 24 (replenishes when returned to core)
usage drain: 2287

New crest core type featuring an energy EO function. EO fires explosive energy rounds that have high velocity.
What does YATURA mean?
fierce animal
Type: linear rifle
weight: 1230
En drain: 670
Attack: 1300
ammo: 54
ammo heat: 9923
range: 674
reload time: 68
velocity: 1100

High attack linear rifle with exceptional offense in all areas. Performance is limited by heavy weight.

Come on, would this not be awesome? :gangsta:
strife224 Wrote:Come on, would this not be awesome? :gangsta:

I feel ya! Shades

It might be on borderline bannable though. That reload time is a bit too short for that attack power and heat. Plus you have 54 rounds.
weight: 144
endrain: 780
ap: 430
def shell: 150
def en: 240
CPU: Special
stability: 440
sensors: nightvision, bio sensor
radar: provided
capabilities: bio sensor, range: 400, scan interval: 1
MG response: 45

salvaged head from a unidentified debri field, has unique capabilities

wala lang SHVF-1S basically means Salvaged Head of a VF-1S , so thats why it has a MG response system

It's been a while.

HG-PB00-BABYLON segmented parry blade (dual-wieldable)
weight: 1055
en drain: 560
attack power: 2750
range: 80 in front of AC
ammo: 16
attack heat: 9752

A strange new approach to the parry blade, the BABYLON 8-segmented parry blade gives a new meaning to the term "close-range combat."

Description: Think of the segmented sword that Ivy uses, make it black with a gold edge, replace the front part of the NIOH with it, and make it dual-wieldable.

HG-RR09-RAGNAROK rail sniper rifle (right arm only)
weight: 2070
en drain: 1500
attack power: 5590
range: 1000
ammo: 5
attack heat: 6720
reload time: 120

Taking into account the high stun power and accuracy attributed to rail weaponry, the RAGNAROK was developed as an alternative to the lighter, but more inaccurate, PYTHON.

However, its massive attack power is offset by its heavy weight and limited ammo, making left arm weapon choices quite limited.

Description: Think of the FENRIR and exchange its barrel with a thinner version of the PYTHON's barrel. That should be a rough description.

I got the idea for a segmented parry blade from Zoids Genesis...
That Bio Tricera was cool...especially the horns.
That gives a new meaning to the term shish-kebab...
Jade: Ah, the scent of love is in the air.
Luke & Tear: Love?!
Mieu: I don't smell anything. What's it smell like? Apple gels?
Jade: More like a certain young religious leader.

-from a ToA skit... (related to current avvie...just read the skit yourself and you'll get it)
Awesome ideas nihilo. Seriously.
pa reserve:
vajra-Kisaragi Tesla coil


[Image: WR08AR-GHAST2prv.jpg]

Type:------------------------ Assault Rifle
Weight:---------------------- 530
Energy Drain:--------------- 275
Ammo Type:---------------- Solid
Weapon Lock:-------------- Special
Attack Power/ Ammo:----- 260/ 450
Attack Heat:---------------- 1593
Range:---------------------- 420
Maximum Lock:------------ 1
Firing Interval:------------- 8
Mag Capacity:------------- 30
Mag Reload Time:--------- 143
Ammo Price:--------------- 20 cents

This is basically the Gast turned assault rifle.
Nice gun. Perfect for dual gunning hounds, I'd say.
type: dual napalm machine gun
weight: 732
en drain: 234
ammo type: solid
weapon lock: WS
attack power: 87
ammo: 1500
attack heat: 2110
range: 230
max lock: 1
firing interval: 3
ammo price: 134
mag capacity: 24
mag reload time: 235

Dual napalm machine gun with extremely high offensive power. Capable of overheating an enemy in under a second if close enough.

This thing may need a little more balance, but if it were real it would rip up ACs like nothing.
[Image: CR-WBN84HHZ-1.jpg]
Type--------------------- Howitzer
Weight------------------ 1565
Energy Drain------------ 734
Ammo Type------------- Solid
Weapon Lock------------ -
Attack Power------------ 1232
Ammo-------------------- 8
Attack Heat-------------- 8764
Range-------------------- 550
Maximum Lock---------- -
Firing Interval----------- 52
Mag Capacity----------- 2
Mag Reload Time------- 348
Ammo Price------------ 945

Back mounted howitzer that utilizes sensor fuzed munitions that can detect and destroy it's targets.
It can fire two rounds in succession before reloading.

This weapon is based on the 155 BONUS.

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